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About 85,000 babies have been born using IVF between the years 1991-2003, a popular assisted reproduction process. This shows that assisted reproduction are allowing a considerable number of couples to achieve their goal in starting a family.

Consistent users of birth control have a very low chance of conceiving a child and make up only 5% of all unintended pregnancies. This shows that birth control is reliable and enables couples to enhance their relationship without worrying about the costs of having a child.

Did you Know?

Over 5 million babies have been born from the use of many assisted reproductive technologies such as in-vitro fertilization and artificial insemination.

What is Reproductive technology?

Reproductive technology helps couples and animals reduce and boost their chance of pregnancies. These technologies can also help produce an offspring with a desired trait. Some of these technologies include In-Vitro Fertilization, Surrogacy, Sex Selection and Cloning. Visit the technologies page to discover more. (Technologies)

Advances in reproductive health assists people in starting a family and advances in animal cloning can lead to a steady supply of food and a reliable source of animals for genetic testing. 

Reproductive technologies contributed to more than 5,000,000 births and have also prevented unwanted births. New forms of birth control underdevelopment can further reduce the rates of unwanted pregnancies. 

Over 10% of couples worldwide are having trouble conceiving a child and are considered infertile. This is especially due to many couples waiting until later in life to start a family due to the high costs and their decision to invest time into education. As shown in the graph to the right, as these couples get older, their chances of having a child are drastically decreased. Infertility causes a lot of emotional distress and lifelong depression within these couples. With advances in reproductive health, these couples have the chance to finally have a child of their own. 

As women grow older, they are more likely to not become pregnant and have miscarriages. This is a problem because many couples are waiting until they are financially stable to have a child, this is where assisted reproduction comes in.

Why is reproductive technology important?

The demand for reproductive technology

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